e-learning | the benefits of e-learning

The benefits of e-learning are huge!

Image of graph showing benefits Image of coins - save money Image of a female gymnast - flexibility

e-learning, e learning or elearning? Whatever you call it, the benefits of e-learning are huge!

Image of graph showing benefits Image of coins - save money Image of a female gymnast - flexibility Image of a certificate stamp - evidence Image of latest news headlines - up-to-date

e-learning, e learning or elearning? Whatever you call it, the benefits of e-learning are huge!

Image of graph showing benefits Image of coins - save money Image of a female gymnast - flexibility Image of a certificate stamp - evidence Image of latest news headlines - up-to-date Image of a training manager working on her computer - learner tracking Image of a multi-tool penknife - versatility

So, what is e-learning?

E-learning (electronic learning) is the delivery of learning content and materials to learners in digital form via a variety of technologies.

E-learning content can include:

  • Text
  • Images
  • Animation
  • Audio
  • Video

Ways of delivering e-learning content include:

  • Internet
  • Intranet
  • CD
  • DVD
  • USB

Ways of accessing e-learning content include:

  • Personal computer
  • Tablet computer
  • Mobile phone or device
  • Television
  • DVD player
  • CD player

E-learning is now an integral method for delivering knowledge to pupils and students in schools and colleges. The advantages of delivering exciting, interactive content to engage learners in an immersive learning process both in and out of the classroom are widely recognised and supported by educational professionals around the globe.

Online e-learning is the most effective way of delivering training to a dispersed workforce at a fraction of the cost of conventional training methods. We provide complete e-learning solutions to meet all your training needs including e-learning training courses and a powerful Learner Management System (LMS).

So, what are the benefits of e-learning?

For organisations operating in a variety of sectors, an e-learning solution supplied by us will overcome the challenges and obstacles faced by anyone who needs to provide and manage a training programme to a large dispersed work force. The benefits gained by deploying an e-learning solution include:

  • e-learning provides a single source of learning materials ensuring that the content delivered is identical for all learners and is of the highest possible quality
  • online e-learning courses are quick and easy to update across the board without needing to spend time and money organising and distributing paper, CD or DVD based content and materials
  • e-learning is reliable, dependable and accessible around the clock via an internet connection
  • e-learning is easy to manage and control online via our Learner Management System (LMS).

Other formats can be deployed according to your particular circumstances.

This flexibility means that e-learning is increasingly seen as one of the most powerful tools in any training strategy - especially where a large dispersed workforce is involved. A good e-learning training course is easy to use, is stimulating and engaging and has an element of fun. It changes thinking and behaviour, provides better qualified staff and makes a significant difference in helping to promote good practice.

Our latest e-learning innovations

Our e-learning solutions now provide additional capabilities for training managers, supervisors and mentors to provide feedback and communicate directly with individual learners or groups of learners via the e-learning course's own user interface adding a whole new level of communication and interactivity. Our latest course model also empowers mentors to add their own bespoke content and resources to existing courses so that content can be manipulated to cover and include topic variations that are unique to their organisation.

Why you should choose e-learning

People learn and absorb information in different ways and at different speeds: our e-learning courses provide a flexible and versatile learning system that enables organisations and learners alike to tailor their training to fit with their own specific circumstances. Furthermore, when e-learning is coupled with instructor-led training, it can bring additional dimensions and enhance the learning process overall. More and more learners and organisations are choosing to learn online using e-learning technology.

Here are just some of the reasons why you should choose e-learning or blended learning as an option:

Save money - e-learning training courses are extremely cost-efficient

  • with classroom / instructor costs continuing to increase, plus travel / refreshment / staff cover all required, e-learning makes obvious sense at a fraction of the cost.

Flexibility - learning can be done at a time, place and pace that suits you

  • Downtime at work, organised 'learning periods', working at home - there are many possibilities - our courses are available 24 / 7. Learners are not pressured to 'keep up' or conversely feel that they are waiting for the 'stragglers': they can dictate the pace. And they can do the e-learning course all over again if they wish - at no extra cost! Read more about this below.

Evidence - downloadable certificates provide evidence of learning and assessment success

  • certificates can be downloaded to verify both course completion and passing the assessment.

Up-to-date - training course materials are detailed, accurate and relevant

  • Our e-learning training courses are always up-to-date: as legislation changes so do the relevant references within the training course. You need take no action as the amendments are applied automatically.

Learner tracking

  • Employers can track learning (learner progress, log in / out times, assessment results etc) and run reports on all aspects of training. Learner feedback is also available.

Versatility - our e-learning training courses can be delivered in a variety of ways to cater for different learning situations - for example:

  • classroom style, e.g. with projection screen
  • individual learner at their desk
  • individual learner at home (particularly suitable for those working in the field or otherwise away from base)
  • workshop / small group working (great for more intense discussion of the issues)
  • even on the bus to work, using our new mobile learning (m-learning) course technology.