
Legionella Awareness (F): e-learning training course

Legionella Awareness (F) e-learning training course

The information, guidance and resources provided in this course provide students with the tools to recognise and control risks from exposure to Legionella Bacteria.

After completing the course students will have a fundamental understanding of what Legionella is, where it is found, how it infects people and the symptoms and consequences of contracting Legionnaires' Disease.

This course outlines the legal responsibilities for preventing water systems from being contaminated with Legionella Bacteria. Students will explore how the law applies to employers, building controllers and landlords who control and maintain a variety of buildings including:

  • commercial and industrial premises
  • public sector buildings
  • residential premises.

The materials in this course include quizzes and exercises to help reinforce learning. There is also an online assessment to test students' understanding of the topic on completion of the course.

Additional information and guidance is available from the course's resource section that can be downloaded and saved for future reference.

Learning Objectives: at the end of the course, students will be able to:

  • explain what Legionella Bacteria is and where it can be found
  • understand the route of infection and the symptoms of Legionnaires' Disease
  • describe how suitable conditions for bacteria growth can be found in both hot and cold water systems and the preventative steps that can be taken
  • identify who is responsible for compliance with government regulations and legislation relating to the control of Legionella and Legionnaires' Disease
  • identify a competent person/persons or company to carry out relevant risk assessments
  • understand the reasons for Legionella sampling, cleaning, disinfection and chlorination.