
Compassion and Dignity in Care (F): e-learning training course

Compassion and Dignity in Care (F) e-learning training course

This e-learning course aims to help carers to ensure that they carry out everyday tasks compassionately and in ways that protect and promote the dignity of the people they support. The online materials include case studies, quizzes and activities to help reinforce learning as students work through each topic. In addition, learners will receive access to factsheets, useful links and an online assessment to check their learning on completion of the course.

Unit Titles and Descriptions

Unit 1  - How to Use the Course

Unit 2 - Introduction and Guiding Principles 
This unit is designed to help learners apply some basic principles which will ensure that their tasks are carried out in a way that supports rather than undermines dignity. The unit takes a close look at what is meant by 'compassion' and 'dignity', learners will gain a better understanding of how showing respect for the people in their care also strengthens their own sense of dignity in the way they work.

Unit 3 - Person-centred Care and Other Issues
This unit looks in more detail at some of the key factors that can support or undermine a person's dignity depending on how they are addressed when caring for someone. The information in this unit is drawn from the experiences of older people receiving care and the professionals who deliver it. After completing this unit, learners will understand that the principle of person-centred care lies at the heart of ensuring dignity in care. By practicing some basic rules described in this unit, learners will be able to promote and reinforce the dignity of the people in their care.

Unit 4 - Communication, Privacy and Confidentiality
This unit will help learners to promote and protect dignity by understanding the role played by:

  • communication
  • privacy
  • confidentiality.

These three words, while having their own separate meanings, are very closely related and are central to any discussion about compassion and dignity in care. After completing this unit, learners will understand that sometimes, the most basic manners and courtesies that they take for granted are the ones that can be most damaging to a person's sense of dignity. They are so often overlooked yet so easy to get right. The unit concludes by providing information and guidance about other less obvious issues relating to the handling of personal information and confidentiality. 

Topics covered include:

  • the different ‘types’ of dignity
  • key issues that affect dignity
  • how people’s dignity may be undermined by the type of care they receive
  • why dignity is at the heart of the caring professions
  • legislation that relates to human rights, dignity and respect
  • how a person’s dignity can be supported when the following needs are met:
    • Provision of person-centred care
    • Good nutrition
    • Good pain management
    • Assistance with hygiene and personal care
    • Practical assistance
    • Social inclusion and active participation
  • methods of communicating
  • barriers to communication
  • the principles of good communication
  • key points of good practice when handling personal information
  • the role of confidentiality in supporting dignity in care
  • the key principles of data protection.

Some of the guidance included in this course has been adapted from the Social Care Institute for Excellence website.