
Online Safety for Parents: e-learning training course

Online Safety for Parents e-learning training course
A useful and easy to follow guide for parents who want to understand the way their children use the internet and keep them safe on line.
Simple, engaging and interactive with a Do & Don’t format, designed to promote conversation and instil confidence even in absolute beginners.
The course winds up with a thought provoking true or false quiz to help you think through your own behaviour and better understand the way your children think about on line safety.
Topics covered include:
  • Recognising the impact of your digital footprint
  • Setting boundaries for yourself and your children
  • Reacting appropriately when things go wrong
  • Promoting safe and responsible on-line habits for everyone
  • Discussing and dealing with cyber bullying.


Ideal for any parent who wants to encourage an open and honest conversation about a family wide responsible approach to internet safety and personal security.


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