
Carer Awareness: supporting frontline practice (F): e-learning training course

Carer Awareness: supporting frontline practice (F) e-learning training course

This e-learning course comprises an introduction and two easy-to-follow study units and aims to clarify how carers can be identified and describe what being a carer entails. It will also help learners to understand the impact caring for others can have and enable them to deliver more targeted support when necessary.

The online materials include quizzes and activities to help reinforce learning as students work through the course.

Unit Titles

  • How to Use the Course
  • Who Are Carers?
  • Supporting Carers

Unit 2: helps learners to identify carers and appreciate what the role entails. It also explores how caring for someone can affect everyday life. It concludes by providing some facts and figures about the people who adopt a caring role.

Unit 3: examines further the impact that caring for someone can have, whether it be on their health, finances and wellbeing. It will also help learners to understand carers’ rights, the Government’s National Carers’ Strategy and what these mean in practice. To conclude, the unit suggests ways in which learners can deliver more targeted support to carers based on the information provided in the course.

Learning Objectives: on completion of this course learners will be able to:

  • identify carers
  • define what it is to be a carer
  • describe some facts about carers
  • recognise the impact of caring and help to identify and signpost to support
  • recognise carers' rights and what they mean for good practice
  • deliver more targeted support to carers.