
Infection Control (F): e-learning training course

Infection Control (F) e-learning training course

This e-learning course comprises an introduction and two easy-to-follow study units. The importance of good hygiene and the ease with which infection can spread are key aspects, along with the importance of good infection control policies.

Unit Titles

  • Unit 1 - How to Use the Course
  • Unit 2 - Understanding Infection and Hand Hygiene
  • Unit 3 - Controlling Infection and Safe Waste Disposal

Learning Objectives: at the end of the Infection Control course, students will be able to:

  • List common pathogenic microorganisms and explain why they are harmful
  • Explain what HCAI means and why it is important
  • Describe how the chain of infection serves to spread disease
  • Identify key pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and explain how and when they are used
  • Give key reasons why hands need to be decontaminated
  • Deploy an effective hand-washing technique
  • Describe how to break the chain of infection to prevent contamination
  • Identify and comply with key components of infection control policy
  • List their responsibilities as a member of staff
  • Identify and separate different types of waste
  • Explain the importance of handling waste safely
  • Follow correct procedure when dealing with spillages and sharps.

Anyone interested in purchasing any of our infection control courses should get in touch today!